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Spitfire Mk. XVI Bubbletop 1/48

49,95 US$
Cat.No.: 8285
Instruction Sheet: 8285.pdf 8285-cz.pdf
Discount Discount

ProfiPACK edition kit of British fighter plane Spitfire Mk.XVI in 1/48 scale.
Planes are with lowered back of the fuselage with bubbletop canopy

  • plastic parts: Eduard
  • marking options: 5
  • decals: Eduard
  • PE parts: yes pre-painted
  • painting mask: yes
  • resin parts: no
Galleries Specification
scale1/48productsPlastic kits
Spitfire Mk.XVI Bubbletop  Weekend 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI Bubbletop Weekend 1/48 Cat.No.: EX493 Active
Masking sheet - die-cut adhesive shapes.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK 5-10 pcs
9,95 US$
more Info
Spitfire Mk.XVI seatbelts STEEL 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Cat.No.: FE1223 Active
Color photo-etched accessories.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
7,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.XVI SPACE 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI SPACE 1/48 Cat.No.: 3DL48041 Active
SPACE set - 3D waterslide decals and STEEL PE parts.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
14,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.XVI TFace 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI TFace 1/48 Cat.No.: EX808 Sellout Active
Masking sheet - die-cut adhesive shapes.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
16,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.XVI top cowl 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI top cowl 1/48 Cat.No.: 648307 Active
Brassin - resin & photo-etched accessories for scale plastic kits.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
4,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.XVI wheels - 3 spoke 1/48
Spitfire Mk. XVI wheels - 3 spoke 1/48 Cat.No.: 648218 Active
Brassin - resin & photo-etched accessories for scale plastic kits.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK 5-10 pcs
7,95 US$
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Spitfire British ww2 Roundels Late 1/48
Spitfire British ww2 Roundels Late 1/48 Cat.No.: D48017 Sweep Active
Decal sheet.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
-30% 12,95 US$ 9,07 US$
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Spitfire HF Mk.VIII 1/48
Spitfire HF Mk. VIII 1/48 Cat.No.: 8287 Sweep Active
Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
-30% 49,95 US$ 34,97 US$
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Spitfire Mk.IXc late version 1/48
Spitfire Mk. IXc late version 1/48 Cat.No.: 8281 Active
Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
49,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.IXe OVERTREES 1/48
Spitfire Mk. IXe OVERTREES 1/48 Cat.No.: 8293X Eduard Store only Active
Scale plastic kit.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
19,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.VIII / IX cockpit door 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII / IX cockpit door 1/48 Cat.No.: 648380 Active
Brassin - resin & photo-etched accessories for scale plastic kits.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
4,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII 1/48 Cat.No.: 8284 Sellout Active
Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
49,95 US$
more Info
Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII 1/48 Cat.No.: EX483 Active
Masking sheet - die-cut adhesive shapes.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
9,95 US$
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Spitfire Mk.VIII over Europe 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII over Europe 1/48 Cat.No.: D48048 Sweep Sellout Active
Decal Sheet.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
-30% 19,95 US$ 13,97 US$
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Spitfire Mk.VIII over Pacific 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII over Pacific 1/48 Cat.No.: D48049 Sweep Active
Decal Sheet.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
-30% 19,95 US$ 13,97 US$
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Spitfire Mk.VIII OVERTREES 1/48
Spitfire Mk. VIII OVERTREES 1/48 Cat.No.: 8294X Eduard Store only Active
Scale plastic kit.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
22,95 US$
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SPITFIRE STORY: The Few DUAL COMBO 1/48 Cat.No.: 11143 Active
Spitifre Mk.I. Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK 5-10 pcs
97,95 US$
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Bf 109G-4 1/48
Bf 109G-4 1/48 Cat.No.: 82117 Active
Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
49,95 US$
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Bf 109G-6/AS 1/48
Bf 109G-6/ AS 1/48 Cat.No.: 82163 Active
Scale plastic kit.
IN STOCK > 10 pcs
49,95 US$
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Lysander seatbelts STEEL 1/48
Lysander seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Cat.No.: FE1089 Active
Color photo-etched accessories.
For kit: EDUARD
IN STOCK 5-10 pcs
9,95 US$
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Spitfire camo scheme A 1/48
Spitfire camo scheme A 1/48 Cat.No.: EX469 Active
Masking sheet - die-cut adhesive shapes.
For kit: AIRFIX
IN STOCK 5-10 pcs
16,95 US$
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